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Client: James Cameron

We have always engineered and isolate the environment for our own good use. This beach house is built to embrace the environment by emulating the essence of nature; to create space and textures that projects the possibility of interaction between building and environment and have a symbiotic relationship with the site.


This beach house is inspired by the living system around the mangrove. It is a reaction to the site and the previous picnic pavilion. The idea that drives the form development of this house is the act of peeling, inspired from blistering of tree barks. It creates space within, the space that peeled off act as a coat of protection.


The way that it is peeled is based on the importance of spaces and the function of it, often the pulling point is of the center. It also corresponds with the direction of the waves that is approaching the beach house, in which the idea is to have the peeling to be driven by the force of the waves.


The inner organs of this beach house is scripted based on the study of human ecology and basic needs. How does the user circulate, operate and interact with the building. Instead of raising solid barriers between spaces of different function, this beach house experiments with the system of a living being, a system that allows the user to flow freely between the interweaving spaces.


Constrasting spaces inside the house is adapted due to the further exploration of spaces in goal of making the building feel more alive and comfortable. Users are allowed to retreat into the more comfort area with minimal interuption of natural elements (modern human lifestyle) and also to experience part of the house that is more "energetic" - spaces that are spirited and engaging with the force of nature such as the trees, tides, waves, wind, humidity, temperature, time, weather and celestial bodies.

Design Approach

The basic idea of the design is straightforward, to have James Cameron experience the dynamics of nature, to let him lead a back to basic life. The shape of the spaces inside is designed to maximise wind capture according to the day and night cycles, the cuts and opening are also placed such that natural light are able to illuminate inside, it also ventilates the building. Besides, the relation between spaces of different functions nflunce their positions while conforming to the body of the building. There are tight passageways and open areas connecting each of the sapces. The "tunnels" are meant for protecting the user during bad weather. This means circulation inside the building reacts to the weather. The use of natural material such as mangrove timber and marine plywood reinforce James Cameron's environmental message. The concrete foundation are like roots with gaps to house mangrove critters. It also stimulates plant growth, thus making the beach house and the site benefiting each other. The skin of the house is planted with native plant species, it is also permeable so that the building can "breath", naturally cooling down the building while filtering harmful elements.


Beach House

Sem 2 Project 2 Beach House
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